Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hello Human Rights Education students,
Below I have tried to present you with links related to the topics you chose for the contemporary debates in human rights project we are working on. I have tried to find sources that approach both sides of each issue - for some toipics this was easier than others. If you have trouble accessing these links, please let me know. I fyou need more help in finding information on either side of the debate, please let me know. If you have questions about what you are studying, please let me know.
Throughout this process I ask you to continue to remember that debate is about working with both sides of an issue. Please, also remember that you have chosen some controvesial issues, and that these issues continue to evoke strong emotions and strong reactions from people (lots of people - people in class, friends, parents and family, community members, etc.). Please work to be respectful of your own opinions and the opinions of other people.
Life should be about increasing our understanding of other people in respecftul ways. We can do this in many ways. One of these ways is by communicating with people who share different points of view, but please consider that as human beings, each with human dignity, other people deserve our respect. If you encounter someone with a different opinion than yours it can be an opportunity to exchange ideas. Do not disrespect other people simply for their ideas, also, do not let other people disrespect you simply for your ideas.
By having civil conversations about all issues, including issues that are controversial, we can move human understanding forward, and we can move forward in our attempt to preserve and respect the human rights of everyone.

Links related to your topics:











The Death Penalty:




Gun Control:






International Intervention:












Military Service:







Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Help with your "Works Cited"

It is your educational responsibility to NOT PLAGIARIZE. You must cite all of your sources.

I encourage you to use the MLA Handbook. You can check one out of the library, or you can borrow one from me.

There are numerous places on the web that show you how to cite your sources:

There are also online citation generators, where you choose which type of document you are trying to cite, fill in the citation information, and it automatically generates the citation in proper format for you to cut and paste into your works cited. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with these tools, and to use them:
The Citation Machine: http://citationmachine.net/cm50/index.php?reqstyleid=1

The Citation Generator at Palomar College: http://www.palomar.edu/dsps/actc/mla/

The Citation Center: http://citationcenter.net/ctool.php5?style=MLA

The Mt Diablo High School library also has an account with NoodleTools: http://www.noodletools.com/

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Instructions on how to format your poster:

Open a word document.
Go to "FILE"
Go to the "PAPER" tab
For "WIDTH" change it from 8.5 to 11
For "HEIGHT" change it from 11 to 17
Click the "OK"

On the top of your page type your title (i.e. "The Right to Protest"

Then insert a table:
Go to "TABLE"
Go to "INSERT"
Go to "TABLE"
Number of columns: 2
Number of rows: 3
Click "OK"

Your document is now formatted.

Begin inserting the information you have collected.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Instructions for the Human Rights Poster:
  • You are to create an informational poster detailing information about the Human Rights violation that you are focusing your project on.
  • Your poster should follow the format in these instructions, and in the exmaple shown.
  • Your poster should be 11" X 17".
Below are the specfic instructions to complete this assignment:
Title of your poster: Across the top it should say "THE RIGHT TO..." and include the Human Right you are researching. (see Mr. Reynolds' example.)
Under the title on the left half of the page you should have a definition of what that Human Right is. (see Mr. Reynolds' example.) You should title this section "Definition"
Under the definition you should have details about one or two specific examples of that human right being violated. You should title this section "Examples Of The Problem"
Under the section entitled "Examples Of The Problem" which lists specific examples, you should have a section detailing why that human right is important. You should title this section "Why The Right To . . . Is Important" being sure to include the Human Right you are focusing on (see Mr. Reynolds' example).
Under the title on the right half of the page you should have a picture that connects to your human right.
Under the picture on the right half of the page you should have a detailed description of what is being done and by who, in order to stop this Human Rights violation from continuing, and what is being done to defend, memorialize, and/or support the people being victimized in the specific examples you described in the section on the left. This section should be titled: "What Is Being Done"
Under the "What Is Being Done" section you are to list three or more ways that high school students can help to defend, memorialize, and/or support the people eho suffer from this Human Rights Violation. This section should be titled: "What You Can Do"
Under the "What You Can Do" section you are to list three or more resources (books, HRO's (human righta organizations), or websites) where people can get more information. You should title this section "Where You Can Learn More."

Make sure that all of the text on your posters in properly formatted, properly spelled, and large enough to read.
Try to not have any empty space.
After you have completed the basic requirements of the assignment you MAY choose to make your poster more visually appealing by adding more illustrations, by adding borders and/or shading, by using different fonts, or by doing other creative things. DO NOT decorate your poster in ways that obscure the words. DO NOT decorate your poster in ways that distract from the message. The message is "This Human Right is important, here is some information about it, and what you can do to get involved, and learn more."

Sources for Mr. Reynolds' Human Rights Poster example "The Right to Protest":




